Admission to the Rodeheaver Boys Ranch is granted to school-age boys who have not been adjudicated delinquent by court action and are proven to be mentally and emotionally sound. We do not take children in need of special services such as children on the autism spectrum, those under or in need of psychiatric care, or children who have endured sexual abuse or acted out sexually.
RBR is not a detention facility or treatment center. We are a short-term home for troubled and dependent boys. Placement is from legal parent or guardian and family must agree to maintain communication and support. We do not take placements from the state and do not receive taxpayer or government funding.
Rodeheaver Boys Ranch is a type II (up to one year) private residential child caring organization licensed in the state of Florida by the Florida Association of Christian Child Caring Agencies (faccca.com).
Please contact our Admissions Counselor at (386)328-1281 for more information.
Requirements To Include:
- Please note any boy accepted into our program will need a social security card and health insurance card. The parents/guardians are responsible for changing medical providers before their arrival/intake at the ranch.
- Mental Health/Behavioral Health Evaluation (if applicable)
- Most recent certified physical exam (within the last 6 months)
- Certification of Immunization (Form 680)
- Latest report card
- IEP (if applicable)
- Most recent academic testing
- Photograph
- Juvenile Justice Record (if applicable)
- Custody/Guardianship Paperwork (if applicable)
- DCF/DJJ/Truancy or any other legal documents
An example of a good fit would be a boy who:
- Comes from an insecure or impoverished home
- Parental death
- Parental desertion
- Parental disability
- Parental divorce or general dysfunction
- A boy that is mentally sound
- Wants an opportunity to learn
- Willing to work
- Desires to grow up in a secure home environment
An example of a boy who is not a good fit would be:
- A boy who is adjudicated delinquent.
- A boy who is under psychiatric care.
- A boy who is addicted to drugs or alcohol.
Why RBR?
- Structured Home Environment
- Positive Role Models
- Christian Values
- Educational Accountability
- Vocational Training
- Outdoor Experiences (on the beautiful St Johns River)
- Agricultural Emphasis
- Recreational Fun
- Counseling Services
Who Should Consider RBR? Boys age 7-16 currently living in...
- a single parent home.
- a family going through divorce.
- a grandparent guardianship.
- a maladjusted adoption.
- an insecure family in poverty.
- a family dealing with a health crisis or disability.
- a home without male role models.
- There's nothing wrong with a family who admits "we need help."
- RBR provides a place for growing boys who need extra support.
- RBR can provide services regardless of a family's ability to pay.
What is the program of RBR?
- Spiritual
- Educational
- Vocational
- Social
- Recreational
- Agricultural
We require a commitment of one school year (August - May) - Usually around 10 months.
The parent or legal guardian must sign a Durable Power of Attorney and Child Care Contract.
RBR Boys are NOT:
- Bad Boys
- Homeless Orphans
- Sent Here for Behavior Modification
- Unloved
- Good boys from insecure situations.
- Boys with families who admit "We need some help."
- Boys who want the opportunity to live on the Ranch and grow.
- Loved more than ever before by a whole community.